I am just a lil creative who loves to have fun, dress up, and meet new people! I have been in the wedding industry for 6 years now, and I am SO excited for the new endeavor that is Vendor Society. When I am not daydreaming about our future events, I am a wife, mom, and homesteader. My world is surrounded by art, animals, and my crazy ideas. I am also extremely passionate about other things too, like whales, monarch butterfly conservation, poetry, and special needs dogs.
Vendor Society originally started as a vendor networking event with me and Rachel from Bubbly Bride Planning. She reached out to me one day and proposed this idea of having a business that focused solely on vendor networking. I LOVED the idea and asked her if I could join her. Then Vendor Society was born!
As Rachel's planning business grew, she received an incredible opportunity to manage a venue and had to step down from VS. I was so sad that my incredibly talented friend could no longer be a part of VS, but sooo stoked and proud of her for landing such an incredible opportunity. When Rachel stepped down, Camille and Sara, my two best friends helped for two events before they also didn't have the time to dedicate to VS as it grew. Now, it's just Brit, & every event I partner with a Planner to help me plan!
Fast forward to February of 2025, Vendor Society had a super successful hard launch into transitioning to a wedding show. An absolutely crazy thing that I never would have thought was possible. Now, Vendor Society has fully transitioned and I have the most fun and incredible events planned for the future. Getting to see such a large variety of vendors do their best work has been SUCH an INCREDIBLE experience. Each event has a Featured Planner and a variety of highly qualified vendors working the event for engaged couples to come and see in action.
Meet Daisy (a.k.a. Noodle, Wobbles, Ears), the sweetest love of a Border Collie who suffered from a rare neurological condition called Cerebellar Abiotrophy. A disease that caused her a series of conditions such as blindness, epilepsy, and extremely poor coordination. When Daisy was a baby, she was found in a Dutch Bros parking lot. She was luckily found by someone and this family took her home. She was originally thought to have Cerebellar Hypoplasia, the same thing as Abiotrophy, but Hypoplasia is non degenerative. Once in my care, as Daisy got older, I came to the very grim realization that she had Cerebellar Abiotrophy. Her disease progressed rapidly, and her seizures got more severe, her CBD stopped working, and she started sleeping so much more. I made the gut wrenching decision to prioritize her quality of life over my attachment to her, and scheduled her final vet appointment for after Christmas.
December 14, 2024, Daisy's disease won and I lost her to a series of very severe seizures. After the most incredible veterinarian at Wilvet in Salem got her stabilized, I spent my final moments with her. A moment that has me crying even just writing about it. She was the sweetest little love & forever changed me. Now, with Vendor Society, I see an incredible opportunity to take my heartbreak from losing Daisy, and turn it into something really great. Which is why a percentage of every ticket sold to our event is donated to a special needs dog rescue in honor of Daisy. I know not everyone is in a position to adopt a special needs dog, but by attending our events, the donation allows trained professionals to give them the attention & veterinarian care they require.
When I was a kid, my mom ran the shelter in our town and my sisters and I were always around dogs. I will never forget when I went with my mom to Portland to get her transported dogs and there were multiple rescues there. In particular, Panda Paws Rescue (a local Special Needs Rescue) was at this meet, and I was forever changed from that day on. Ever since then, I have ALWAYS wanted a special needs dog, but life was too busy or I didn't have the ability to have one. In 2024 that all changed when my husband came home one day and told me about this puppy that had the wobbles. Immediately I said yes. In October of 2024 I was contacted by the family that had her. They told me that her needs were too much for them and they made the incredibly brave decision to recognize that and asked me if I still wanted her. Without a second thought, I immediately said yes. The next day, I was gifted the cutest, wobbliest Border Collie puppy who changed my life forever.